
Beyond Light and Darkness Ch. 52

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Beyond Light and Darkness Chapter 52: The Dark Mirror and a Event of the Past.

within Shadowblood after Bane defeated Batman

Bane: There you go My Lord.

Terrantos: Hmm good.

Terrantos recalls a scene from the past that one of his soldiers listen in on for him.

Meanwhile, somewhere off in a faraway distant Universe, another great threat brews, one that has waited in countless millennia to take what has hers. She has lost everything that she has ever valued in life, lost everything that had ever meant anything in her existence, and now she was going to make sure they will all pay. But she is no ordinary conqueror, far from it, neither she nor anyone else would have ever imagined someone like her would be the conquer like she is today, but as times and beings power took advantage of her, and made her suffer through unending pain, she’d vowed to at least take everything there was about them… and take much more for herself. She is no, not even close, she knows the flaws the most conquerors have gone through, through her years she has watched many self-proclaimed conquerors and Gods take it upon themselves to attempt to conquer everything and either come so close or fail completely, she had viewed and analyzed each tactic, attempted to perfect it, mimic and master they best planning’s as well as creating her own, and completely destroying any sense of flaw that either of the former conquerors. She has waited for countless years and eons, 500 million years of waiting, specific planning and scheming for this moment of her domination. She wouldn’t fall so easily after seeing so many arrogant fools and idiots try to reclaim the earth, universe, multiverse, or everything there feeble minds could comprehend so easily. She’s been planning specifics since the very beginning after the event, that so happened to be the event that would reset all of time forever. Now with the only people she ever cared for lost, she plans to take revenge on those who wronged her, God, Mortal, it doesn’t matter really, as long as they exist, they will be her enemy, she will be the enemy of all existence; fulfill all her lost desires and take everything she would ever dream of wanting but more… but what exactly does she plan on doing with her resources anyways?

Somewhere off a distant unknown Universe, this dead desert world that lays is desolate and possess life, just a dry desert area with large sandy hills as far as anyone could see, and just ahead of the vast deserts and a pure blue ocean, utter calmness, with no sign of life once so ever. A complete desolate example of an empty realm and Universe, until the arrival of Pandora and her legion, as she arrives in a sudden bright cosmic blue array of light, a portal transports every single person she knows of that she has chosen to command in her army, but how much does she actually plan for them, and has her planning for 500 million years really been paying off?

Pandora and her army walking out from the Sapphire Blue Portal

Pandora: We’re here…

All Beings: …

Strife: Oh you have got to be kidding me…

Pandora: …

Strife: This is it? THIS IS IT!?!

Eggman: Best watch your mouth in front of Queen Pandora…

Alex Mercer: Yeah, annoy her any further and she’ll kill you where you stand.

Strife: NO! Shut up! Fuck you! Fuck you all! I am so sick of this shit! I am sick of you motherfucking Dark Lords talking all this big shit talk, and not even delivering what you offered in the long shot, all you greedy bastards are all the same, only care for your own intentions and nobody else’s.

Wesker: Irony…

Abyzou: If you continue to mock The Great Empress right now, I’m afraid we’ll have to kill you where you stand.

Strife: Oh bite me asshole, you and all these generic armies and masters are all the same; The Council, Terrantos with Shadowblood, Godstrike and there pathetic attempts of a peace treaty, now you and Pandora and there stupid Codex of God knows what!

Sentry: Best keep your mouth shut within your mask Strife… even if you are this so-called, powerful Nephilim.

Ala: Yes. After all it was you who fulfilled Empress Pandora’s Offer and said yes after she asked for your help.

Strife: Idiots. What all of you failed to remember from that conversation was that I was promised more power, knowledge, strength, and energy if I joined her side and betrayed my brothers again… So OF COURSE I offered to join The Codex if they promised enough power and prominence… but now I wish I would’ve taken that request back.
Because THIS…

Stares at the empty land

Strife: … Is just pathetic! I mean for God sakes what was I thinking? I was already taking a great enough risk betraying Shadowblood and joining with those pussies at Godstrike, now after being unfairly offered with Pandora’s Power, and not being promised by it… Do you have any idea how much of a risk I’ve been taking betraying my former allies for you guys… and how disappointing this is?
Now neither side will show me any mercy. Christ! I’m tired of running, at least Godstrike’s HQ had a nice view, and Shadowblood’s HQ was at least hot enough to get good conversation. This… This is just empty depressing bullshit!
I’m sick and tired of all these greedy Tyrant types, I’ve just about it. I’m thinking maybe it’s about time I started giving them a bullet to their head as a reward.

Pandora: …

Asag: You ignorant slug!

Proteus: You should feel more welcomed here. Personally had it been I… I would’ve left you to rot and be destroyed in the pitiful Realms of Godstrike’s territory. But if the Great Goddess and Merciful Pandora actually potential in an arrogant and weak little Nephilim like you, then I shall not question your judgment. You should feel real grateful you arrogant Nephilim, the fact that Great Goddess actually thinks you could be of great use to us… and her.

Strife Sarcasm: Oh dear well I am soooo grateful Mr. Queen Pandora, I suppose you just want me to drop of my knees and kiss your pretty purple ass eh Pandora?

Pontianak: Why you, you’re lucky that the Great Empress doesn’t just smite you where you stand. Like I would’ve, praise her for being merciful.

Jikininki: The fact that you’re alive now, you should be grateful she hasn’t consumed what useless power you already have.

Strife: Bite me asshole!

Aka Manah: If you don’t keep quiet, we might as well as do.

Wesker: The Great Goddess… Our dear Empress’s patience is wearing thin… and I suggest the best course of action you could take is…

Strife: Ugh… God… See what I mean? This is the bullshit that I’m talking about here. All you guys have become, whether badasses, pussies, or not it doesn’t matter anymore. Now ever since you joined this pathetic legion, you’ve all become nothing more than mindless cocksuckers of a worthless leader who doesn’t deserve even the most pathetic worth of your time. This is my problem with all you leader types, you talk big but don’t deliver.

Green Goblin: Well if you maybe so kind to let us all talk for a second, instead of just rambling on like an insensitive child, perhaps you’d actually calm yourself enough times to listen to our plan.

Strife: Oh that would’ve been nice and rich a few days ago when you actually got me into the army, but no if you said that, I’d probably figure out you guys were full of shit and may not have even joined your army as bad as the fucking situation was for me. Terrantos, Pandora, Council, Death… all you motherfuckers are the arrogant shit rambling on about your own intentions and treating everyone like shit beneath you. Now all of the armies of other organizations from both Shadowblood and Godstrike, from Heaven to Hell, and quite possibly everything in between and beyond are going to have my ass for this and it’s all because I trusted you cosmic idiots and your insane plans for some stupid greedy, anger filled genocide that I haven’t even heard of yet, all you pretentious assholes and your useless ass planning and for what? Nothing! Fuck you! Fuck you all! Fuck every one of you Democratic Messiah complex fuckers, and most importantly of all… Fuck you PANDORA! YOU ARROGANT BITCH!!! You think you’re the top shit? Well so what? So is everyone else of those arrogant fuckers from God, The Devil, Zeus, Odin, to Terrantos… you’re not so special and you’re not the only one who thinks of themselves as the top beings so just shut the fuck up and get a REAL life you arrogant, full of yourself cunt.

Pandora: …

Strife begins to walk away but the rest of the army start to look at him angrily, whereas Pandora just stands there calmly.

Lamashtu: Now where do you think you’re going?

Strife: Oh don’t tell me…

Galactus: You think you can just walk away from us like this? It’s a shame you could reject an offer like this, is seems so ignorant and stupid to reject the offer of a lifetime, it’s like turning the greatest offer that ever came across your pathetic life and being promised eternal power… and not taking it, needless to say a little flea like you doesn’t deserve the great power Lord Pandora has to offer… and I think you’d suit better in my stomach.

Lady Midday: Nephilim or not… We do not need you to achieve such great power… and even then such an arrogant being such as you doesn’t deserve the Great Goddesses Power.

Wesker: You should be down on your KNEES! THANKING PANDORA! For the privilege of being offered omnipotent knowledge and power in this Cosmic Army.

Strife: Yeah, well you should be down on your knees, thanking me for not putting a bullet in between your glasses Zombie Geek. Or should I say, such a failure of a villain that his own greatest weakness was his own chemical killed him? Now that’s irony in a nutshell let me tell you.

Wesker rushes in full of anger: THAT’S IT! I’VE DEALT WITH YOUR IGNORANCE LONG ENOUGH! MY PATIENCE IS LOST YOU!!! YOU DIE NOW! (Wesker rushes in!)

Strife: Oh yeah… well… BRING IT ON MOTHERFUCKER!

Pandora suddenly loses her anger and makes just mere whisper that explodes into a loud imposing screech and screams that could be heard from miles throughout the Cosmos.

Pandora: ENOUGH!!!

All, even Strife: !!!

Pandora: …. Enough… all of you… Is this really what all of you have to offer? I have offered great power and knowledge and energy… near omnipotent and this is what you offer me? I chose you all for specific reasons to achieve power beyond our wildest imaginations and this is how all of you repay me? By acting like children!

All: …

Pandora: All of you… not just this Nephilim Strife are acting like ignorant children and that’s not what I chose you all for this.

All: …

Pandora calms down.

Pandora: Now that’s alright, because Strife does ask a legitimate question that I do agree with and I believe I do owe him and explanation… It’s true, there have been way too many Dark Lords in our endless Sea in the Infinite Cosmos who’ve claimed they’ve had power over for greatness, when really they are just arrogant little fleas trying to conquer everything that fits into that impotent little mind they have.

Strife: Damn straight…

Wesker: Hmph…

Galactus: Be silence filth…

Strife: GAH!

Pandora: Anyways, that is a true case. There are way too many arrogant conquers who take the name of Darkness and the Great Chaos in vain of Glory; Lucifer, The Dark Man, The Devil, God, The Masters, and Terrantos is among the worst of these of all time. He constantly takes the great name of all Chaos, Darkness and Cosmic Conquerors and claims to be it’s vessal; what he fails to ever admit and realize is that Chaos is everything, everywhere, every time and everyone and the fact he so selfishly thinks it’s just his makes me sick, it not only underestimates his enemy, but Chaos itself. He truly does not deserve the power that Chaos has truly granted him.

Army: Aye!

Strife: Okay, so far I only like the Terrantos hating, but why? You really haven’t convinced how come Terrantos is so much of a bigger dick then you guys? I don’t see who the bigger dick I should be rooting for is.

Pandora: Exactly my point here, Terrantos cannot even begin to make up his mind, his feeble and mortal like mind couldn’t even begin to comprehend the true power Chaos has to offer, even with his peak power right now, he’s too stupid to even know or understand how to use it, the impotent brat. That’s why Destiny and the majority and fate of all the Old Ones in power are siding with me to get it.

Strife: Okay… Why is that?

Pandora: Have you seen his extended family? Does it not make you sick?

Strife: Well yeah!

Pandora: It is the eternal LAW and what is written in scripture of the Chaos Crusaders, Legion, and Brotherhood that in order to become everything, to fuse yourself and become one with Nothing, you must sacrifice everything, you must abandon all petty emotions like love, hate, anger, frustration, fear, all to embrace everything and in the Darkness. However… what does Terrantos do? Why he uses it to obtain wives just like any feeble minded idiot mortal would… even though it is an Obligation that humans are weak and one should abandon the weakness of its mortal self to be everything, and yet all he does is act much like a child, who takes advantage of the power he has simply to live a life of forbidden pleasures and to achieve his own petty feats of revenge.

Strife: Yeah… I get it.

Sonitine: His obsession with women is a constant reminder of why this child-like being is incapable and truly inept to be the True Lord of Chaos if doesn’t even use it properly.
Why he’s much like Jackie Estacado in the sense he refuses to play ball and to be grateful for what’s given to him. If he wants to live a happy life with his family, then he should do so, if he wants to take over the Universe and Unite all the Worlds into one single minded Realm of Chaos and Infinite Darkness then I’d respect, but all he does is act on human emotions, desires, and pretenses, not even giving a second doubt on what he’s doing, he’s no different from the mortal child who avoids work to build the strength to become a kind because he likes playing with his friends.

Pandora: Precisely right Sonitine. Instead he works at his own individual bases, I would be fine with him being the Vessel of Chaos if he knew how to use it, but he doesn’t… he doesn’t even come close, even compared to past Dark Lords who claimed to have known and wanted to conquer everything, he is pathetic by their stands. A little child playing with fire and note even grateful for what he neither has, nor does even understand why the Old Ones do what they do. True we may never understand, but I am closer to understanding then he will ever be.

Strife: Yeah… I’m beginning to get it.

Pandora: He is instead blinded by rage and anger, and selfish desires, and what right does he have to be angry at all.He was subjugated out of his pathetic little Soul Society from simply just one little alternate Universe, he could’ve made a living without it or if he wanted revenge he could’ve just taken it out on his own Universe, but no… he takes it out on everyone else because he’s that selfish.

Strife: And you’re any different?

Wesker: Watch your mouth Strife.

Pandora holds out her hand

Pandora: I was given a second chance apparently, but what it was, was nothing more than just another Godforsaken punishment, another eternity in a Hell worse than any I’ve ever felt before. While he was subjugated from just one little tiny world in one tiny Universe… I was subjugated from the ENTIRE Omniverse in general. After suffering punishment from my task after opening the Box that my father had given to me as my rightful gift, Zeus and the Gods took everything from me, he crippled my father and this eventually led to his life of suffering before Death, my lover suffered even worse and was no more… and then I was resurrected again to suffer more of my punishment, even worse than the Gods of Olympus could ever do. I was meant to guard the new larger and more corrupted Ancient Box that was a fusion of all the Evils in the Omniverse, I was sent to do this by all the Gods of the Omniverse from Olympus to the Cosmos, there was no stopping, my punishment was eternal. For Billions of Eons of had to suffer… guarding the box eternally, alone, plagued in sickness, guarding this gigantic evil box with unlimited dark powers, forced to guard this box with unlimited power… and not even open it. As each day, each eon passed by I could slowly feel my sanity fading away even deeper and deeper, and the madness continued growing and growing like a festering virus. The voices of all the past dead realms of the Omniverse from endless eons that had died before the former existence and had risen again, all the Corrupt Evil and Dead Realms all calling to me to open the box up, and after begging me for so long, I soon started to get temptations to do so… it just wouldn’t stopped, I didn’t want to give in full to all my ambitions and sinful desires but… is was just so hard. And then I had realized that THIS was the intention to punish me, to give me access to the greatest and most horrific powers in the Omniverse, and knowing that I was too much of a weak and insufferable coward to do anything about it. I could even feel those Gods laughing at me as I wept so. Damn all those Gods to Hell I thought: Zeus, Ra, Hera, Odin, Sif, Aprodite, Set, Thor… the suffering JUST WOULDN’T STOP! The Evil voices called out for me like for their freedom and wanted me to be there carrier, I urged myself not to do it, I already suffered through enough pain, I didn’t want to go through anymore… but then I heard another voice… Lighter than air, and yet somehow more cosmic and powerful than anything from a God to a mortal that I had ever heard before and after of my Existence, it called to me, but in a soothing dark voice that I can open the box and fulfill my greatest temptations, and unleashing all the Great Evils of the Omniverse I did. I felt fear… For the last time… and thus I was REBORN as a new Perfect being, constantly evolving, formless as the very Void of Chaos itself… and I would make damn sure everyone knew of it. I mastered my powers even greater, I had the power of infinite amount of alternate Universe already coursing through my veins as I continue to grow more and more powerful no matter how much light and darkness there was, and I would make sure that everyone would pay for what they did, not just by suffering, but the fact that I would fulfill all those desires I ever wanted, I would finally be the being… the Main Mind that everything is centered around in, I would finally be the Controller and God of the Omniverse , both Order and Chaos, Life and Death, Justice and Revenge. All was one in the Elder Gods such as Azathoth and soon all would be one within me, that’s right… I plan on being EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT ONCE!

All even Strife: …

Pandora: But I knew not be arrogant, after with such great power, I knew it was nothing if I didn’t great knowledge, thankfully all the Universe that I absorbed provided everything I could possibly need. And once I continued to grow in power and absorb all the other Universes in my disposal… my knowledge began to grow nigh infinitely.
After the great Cataclysm I cause by just opening box, the Great Guardian and Gods of the Omniverse were so scared that they knew they had to fix everything with all the Chaos and Evil in the Omniverse. Meanwhile I disappeared from the Omniverse and planned things for about 500 million years, before I finally got the chance to reveal myself, gather an army… and become what I am today.

Strife: Touché…

Scarlet Witch: Even after all that you are still not convinced of our great leader?

Strife: Yeah well call me a skeptic. I head all these sob stories before, and while hers is certainly sadder than the majority of ones I’ve heard… I’m still not exactly convinced what exactly makes you that different from bastards like Lucifer, Nero, Zeus, and Terrantos and all that. So far I hate to say this but you just sound like the same kind of Dark Lords who either had this dark past and want to take revenge on everything you know in general by taking over everything etc etc. So excuse me if I seem a little skeptical to see if you’re anything different.

Pandora: True, I will admit this is a flaw all of us living humanoid beings seem to have, however unlike Terrantos I am at the process of completely eliminating them, I have practiced for years now, and all seek now is simply the desire to be everything.

Quan Chi: Indeed, that is why we’ve pledged our alliance to her, she promises all the dreams could ever want and more and really she’s already delivered in her part, she’s already created and given me several Universes to rule over.

Shang Tsung: And I’ve had all the souls I could ever want and more, my immortality is so strong, I need eat away another pathetic mortal’s soul to live another day ever. It was a reward that Terrantos would’ve never offered me, that’s why I joined the Codex.

Strife: Th-The Codex? That’s what you’re calling it?

Pandora: The Codex of Calamity, Everything is Everywhere, Everyone is every care, and every time is any time, every hi is every goodbye, and every high is every low. Everything is nothing, that is something that we will all be, the same entity breathing in perfect rhythm, and yet drops of water for a reaction to Chaos and Disorder and Decay, all in one force centered on me.

Strife: Yeah I’m sure it sounds nice.

Darkseid: It amuses me how you do not understand such a perfect vision.

Strife: Well excuse me if I say I heard this before. And how do you think you have a better chance of power then Terrantos? As much as I hate that prick, the guy is full of power. And while I may not believe completely, he says he talks to Chaos, and technically you say we all do, so what makes you think you’re better than him.

Pandora: I don’t *think* I’m better than the child, I know I am.

Strife: Oh arrogant.

Pandora: Trust me, while Terrantos was still a child in this version I was already communicating to the High Elder Gods of Chaos and becoming a full-fledged member of the Black Brotherhoods and Chaos Crusades. Conquering and consuming endless realms of the Omniverse to fuel my power, and understand as best I can better. I own several pages of the original and un-edited Necronimicon and have eaten and consumed enough Gods, Heroes, Villains, Monsters, and Prophets to be considered to be beyond Godly. I am not just a mere Planeswalker anymore; I’ve surpassed the average Seeker and now threaten to take all that stands in my way.

Apocalypse: And this will gain us into the unending fall into the Apocalypse!!!

Strife: Okay classy, I like this so far.

Pandora: And I have gained more favors for several Elder Gods for years to come, I’ve known more names to them and know even more powerful ones that Terrantos couldn’t even begin to comprehend; Cthon, Hastur, Uvhash, Yibb-Tsall, Yig, Olkoth, Xexanoth, Sarron, etc. I’ve respect, known, and learned the majority of all there powers and codes and have absorbed enough to drink a Universe through a straw like it was nothing.
And I have also dare I say… Consumed some of the Elder Gods that did not comply…

Strife suddenly in fear and shock

Strife: WHOA! Whoa Whoa Whoa!!! You enslaved some of the Elder Gods? How is that even possible!?!

Pandora Amused, she now knows she had Strife’s attention.

Pandora: Hm! See I knew that would get your attention, only for the ones that did not care regardless, served my purpose, means to an end, or did not comply like Lu-Khtu, Star Mother, and Ghroth… either way I may not be ready to declare War on ALL of them in General… but sooner or later I might be able to be strong enough to overthrow Yog and Nyar… and pretty soon the master of them all, just like the Seekers had attempted to do before and failed. They did not down easy mind you and most were challenging to take down, but mind you… with such great power in them, they tasted great, so much so that as time passed I became less Humanoid Divine and More ELDER GOD!!!... Soon if all goes well I will be Pure Chaos itself!

Strife Now In Fear: Uhm… Yeah lady the thing as scaryingly impressive as that is, didn’t the Seekers and many other beings who were full of themselves and shit actually attempt to overthrow Azathoth if you’re saying, and completely fail utterly.

Pandora: HA! HA! Yes. Indeed, for truly overthrowing Azathoth is an arrogant move that only the foolish would do. Not even Terrantos is that stupid to do this I imagine. Now, I plan to win his favor… I’ve already gotten more favors from the Elder God and possess more knowledge of Book of Chaos and Necromicon than Terrantos has ever reached. All I have to do is continue my route of Chaos into full fruition, achieve my full power, upgrade my army and my HQ to even more maximum power, get a few more things and my domination to be the Center being of everything beyond the Throne of God and beside and perhaps the Elder Ones will be complete.

Strife: You are one sick lady, you want to take everything for yourself, and if I can understand you completely… You actually plan on using and overthrowing the majority of the ubiquitous and immortal Elder and Outer Gods???
Lady I never thought I’d say this… but, that’s madness!!! That’s crazy, you’re completely out of your mind.

All Laugh.

Pandora: Hohohohoahahahaha… Oh dear Strife, you’re so young and impotent, you know so little in what’s happening now, I am not some arrogant little child of curiosity like the Legends have said anymore, I’m a prime being all to myself. I fuse together with all the alternative versions of myself to become the one Prime Pandora, as well as doing this to many of my men and women and monsters who serve to make them more powerful. You see since I’ve partially fused with the Omniverse itself that resettled the entire Universe, this would make the new Flame of Creation, and thus after linking myself with so many Universes, eating them, and consuming so many prophets… I have seen nearly every path every individual has gone through…Which means I see every path you will take in each in every Omniverse and Multiverse… including all of Godstrike, Shadowblood, all from every Universe, including you and Terrantos.

Strife: Oh so now you can all of the past, present, and future… Pffft yeah right.

Pandora: Well it’s a working power in progress. But you see that’s why I chose you… You’ve always been in full control of what you want and your desires but you have been punished for by your ignorant masters claiming you to arrogant and not allowed to fulfill all your darkest desires. Well that is not the case for me. I for one reward people who take what they want and want to fulfill all their desires by taking everything.. .and my darling… are a perfect candidate for this, in spite of your annoying child-like behavior and whatever everyone else says of your treachery, I do believe you are worthy enough to actually have as an independent and powerful thinking servant, rather than just a mindless slave like I plan to do with your idiots brothers… No offense to you my breather. All I need is your compliance and that’ll be done. I can finally give you all this power that everyone is denying you Strife, I can let you run wild as Chaos truly had intended for I am really the TRUE vessel of Chaos. I can be your SALVATION!!!

Strife is actually giving it some thought.

Shao Khan: Hehehe… don’t you dare give it that much thought like that, denying great power such is this is a fools choice, and even then, if you walk away from this, we won’t let you get away, we will make sure you suffer an unending amount of pain.

Pandora: Silence Khan… we’ll see what he thinks of this situation.

Strife finally speaks.

Strife: Even so, as good as offer you say you are making and if do make a good bargain and keep your promise, overthrowing the Elder Gods is a risky move, a bit too risky even for my takes, if we lose this, I think the Elder Gods and Outer Gods would make us feel even more pain and hatred then I think anyone of us could want or even begin to understand, even for you. Even if you are as you say as powerful, do you think you could consider losing?

Pandora: HAHA! What you take me as a fool? I’ve planning this for 500 million years at least, you think I’d never consider that.

Strife: Yeah but I’ve seen even the most power and prominent rulers like Khan fall to simple issue like this so please enlighten to how power you really are… *Master*…

Pandora gets more serious now and finally decides to prove something Strife’s arrogance, she almost seems like she’s preparing something. All of her army who are loyal look at her nervously but she instead just casually looks at the two distant moons orbiting across this empty big planet.

Pandora: Strife… What do you think those Two Moons over there?

Strife: Excuse me?

Pandora Points: Those two moons over there. The red and green one, do you like the look of them?

Strife: Pfft well the red looks cool but then green one looks ugly… well… wait why are you asking such dumb questions like this?

Pandora: Do you want me to get right of it?

Strife: Uhm okay… but how exactly do you plan on doing tha-

Just then a mere instant second past as Pandora simply pointed to the moon and exploited instantly into a thousand little meteorites.

All: WHOA!

Strife: HOLY SHIT!?!

Juggernaut: Aye, isn’t it beautiful destruction is it not?

Serpent: Ohoho… Imagine the great destruction, panic, and dear it would cause in the day of the Great Apocalypse of Ragnarok.

Strife is simply speechless now, and Pandora didn’t even show a single inch of what was even considered to be her true power, not even close to a single 10th of a percent, but she continued talking.

Pandora: And you said, you liked that other moon right?

Strife: I-

Pandora: Well why don’t I just shrink it up for you and make into a ball for us?

Strife: How?

As if instantly just saying that to answer his question, the Red Moon quickly shrunk under Pandora’s simple gesture less command and the moon was nothing but a small orb/ball that Pandora simply tossed at Strife with a mere childish gesture.

Pandora: Catch!

Strife catches the ball but is now shocked beyond belief.

Pandora: I trust now you know who the True Lord of all Power and Chaos really is right?

All: …

Strife suddenly then bows to Pandora loyally and pledges to her his allegiance.

Strife: I will serve loyally my great Queen as the One True Queen of Chaos, for now and forever as long as my reward is great.

Pandora: HAHA! Splendid!!!… And you shall be rewarded with Pandora…

Abyzou: HAHA! I knew it was only a matter of time before he embraced the full great power of Pandora’s Endless Energy.

Asag: Yes… known with great intelligence could ignore her great power.

Pandora waved her hand in a simple gesture and suddenly Strife was granted power beyond his imagination.

Strife: Whoa! This is-

Pandora: HAHA! Well this isn’t even a fraction of the power I could offer you, continue serving me and you shall have even MORE!

Strife: I will my Lord… This is more than Terrantos could ever even promise me at my best, I will serve you as great as I possibly can.

The Hobgoblin: HAHA! That’s the spirit.

Darkseid: At least you’re finally embracing the true vision of power.

Alex Mercer: Yes… This is the gate of true power.

Omega: Indeed.

???: I couldn’t agree more, with friends like these, what’s not love in the height of true power.

All look towards the mysterious tanned and hooded figure in his Pharaoh outfit, Pandora and Strife immediately knew who it was… it was the Great Crawling Chaos himself embedded into the hearts of many and fear. It was Nyaralathotep: The Crawling Chaos. And standing beside him was a being in hooded robes who was large, tall, vaguely humanoid with bright sickly yellow tentacles sticking out, it was Hastur: Elder God of Knowledge.

Pandora: Ah Lord Nyaralathotep and Lord Hastur! Good to see you are here in this meeting we are having, and to know you are helping are cause.

Nyar: Ohoho… Never my dear, it is you who are helping our cause, Godstrike may be a problem but Terrantos is an annoying, a festering disease of a man who doesn’t deserve such power given to him, make that idiot suffer like the child he is.
The irony is that he and many other annoying Demons are directly linked to me since they are indeed a part of my creation. But I will trust with the endless power and knowledge I have given you that is made you near omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient… please do not let our hard go to waste dear Pandora… why your almost like a daughter to us and it would hurt to have you suffer and die like so many others.

Pandora: You have my word my Lord.

Hastur: Make sure you make Terrantos not just be sent to Oblivion but also pay for the day he ever declared himself foolishly to be the Lord of all Chaos. Make him beg in true and absolute fear. The Majority of the Yellow Brotherhood, Black Brotherhood, Brotherhood of the Beast, Chaos Legion, and Oro is at your side dear daughter, organization for older and more powerful than Terrantos’s petty little Shadowblood army will ever be, doesn’t matter if he’s an ex-member, once they rush towards Terrantos’s Realm with the Codex’s help, Shadowblood will be nothing but ashes so dark then even the shadows will be lost in them. Understand?

Pandora: Yes my great Sensei and Lord of Knowledge.

Nyar: In the meantime make us proud. Cause as much Chaos as powerful and may the Great Void of Nu always be with you.

Pandora: I will Great Crawling Chaos! PRAYS THE VOID!

All Codex Members: Praise The Black Pharaoh! Braise Nyaralathotep!

The Great Elder Gods suddenly leave.

Wesker: Everything is going together so nicely…

Mage Of The Beginning: Yes… Soon nothing but a pure Sea of Chaos shall ravage the Sea all under one dominate mind and everything will evolve just the way it should’ve been before the unworthy mortals were born into the wretched existence.

Apocalypse: Every beginning has an End, however let us make this into an Eternity that shall be a great and eternal course of power with no beginning or end, just an unlimited flow and sea of Great Power. And to that, let’s end this wretched realm the people call “Reality”.

Omega: Agreed.

Pandora: You heard the Great Elder God! Let’s achieve what true power was meant, take all we could ever want and more, and seek vengeance on those who are truly unworthy and do not deserve a fraction of a mere existence and true power. All Hail to the one and only true God and Goddess! Creator and Destroyer of all the Omniverse Chaos… Nu… And the Great Void… And all the Codex… for we shall be the Ultimate and True Children of Chaos who will bring our Great Mother Father back to her true state or Power!

All Codex Members: YEAH!!! All hail the Codex!!! All HAIL CHAOS!

Pandora: Now let us make dear mother… or father proud…

Pandora lifts her arms up and suddenly a gigantic cosmic cube rises from the Sea flowing with Energy, it beamed with bright pure sapphire, surging with unlimited energy and providing unlimited power, it began absorbing all the beings who willingly walked towards it in anticipation, for this was the true HQ of Pandora herself, the very same Box, Pandora’s very old Bane used to destroy the Omniverse years go now Pandora’s Ultimate Weapon, the Cube of Calamity, began to absorb all the men into its Realm, to offer Pandora most loyal servants safety inside.

Strife: Whoa… Now this is a real and trippy HQ!

Pandora: Now then, let us prepare our plans and take advantage of everything we can get. Remember what we seek… Everything… including the Void of Nothingness itself, by the time we’re done in these four years, Terrantos will finally fear me for the being I am. Hehehe…

All the beings walk into the Cube willingly to begin their attack on all the Omniverse. However Alex Mercer stops nervously much to Wesker’s surpise… He senses something.

Alex Mercer: …

Wesker: What is it?

Alex Mercer: I don’t know, I could’ve sworn I just heard something.

Wesker: Hmph… Don’t be ridiculous, this is but a Dead Planet that Queen Pandora absorbed all the life force from, there could not possibly be any real form of life here.

Alex Mercer: Hehe… Maybe your right… But I still think I heard something.

Wesker: Mercer… We’re both scientists… not child of play, so stop acting like one Old Zeus-y.

Alex Mercer: Hehehe… Sheesh…

The Cube closes and it instantly and completely beams away into a ultimate beam of light, moving faster than the speed of light, absorbing energy in its path for it minions for unlimited power and leaving nothing but a trail of wasted Death behind.
Little do they know though, that they were indeed being watched by someone who already has ties to Terrantos.

Balance Abyss: Hehe…Twinkle Twinkle little star…


Order Abyss: Indeed they are my friends… indeed they are. Terrantos will be most pleased indeed.

Balance Abyss: Twinkle Twinkle little star
I will hit you with a car
Throw you off a tree so high
Hope you break your neck and die.

If you haven't died by then
I will stab you with a pen.
Slip and fall down on my back
Then start laughing like a jack.

And If you are still alive
I’ll start playing with a knife
I will leave you pretty scar
Twinkle, twinkle bloody star
Now I think this is your end
Rest in peace my dear friend
This is where you have to die
Under twinkle starry sky.

Twinkle twinkle little star
Now I know just what you are
A poor soul adrift in space
A dear beloved fell from grace
Now you're lost in solar waves
A cold reminder of the grave
How do you know if you'll be missed?
When you're so deep in the abyss?
Twinkle twinkle little star
I wish I don't know what you are

back in the present

Terrantos: Codex of Calamity huh.

somewhere in the battlefield with Dark Link

Dark Link: So I found it Dethl. we must use it now only for Lord Vaati but Master Terrantos.

Dark Link: I know.

Dark Link had two shards of something.

Dethl at a far location had one piece while Chancellor Cole had the last piece

the 3 met up at Zora's Domain and the pieces fused into the Dark Mirror

Cole: Hehehehe....Finally Completed....Ohohohohoh....

Dark Link: Now to test it...

Tifa and Yuffie appeared

Yuffie: Stop right there you villains!

Dark Link looks and sees Tifa and Yuffie.

Dethl: Perfect timing.

Dark Link Holds up the Mirror and Tifa sees herself in it minus a few differences in the reflection

suddenly a entity came out of the mirror

Tifa and Yuffie saw a woman who looked like Tifa but she had Purple hair and purple shoulder pads with red spikes, she wears blue fingerless  gloves with spikes.  Her eyes were lavender color and has lavender colored lips.  She wears the same attire as Tifa in Advent children.  But the shirt is Red with Black flames  and the lower part is green with Red Snakes and Skulls.  She wears combat Boots with Spikes  and wears something Similar to Chun-Li are her legs area. She wears a Voodoo Necklace.  Her shirt also has spikes on the sides and some dragon/chinease markings.

Dark Link used the mirror on Yuffie

Yuffie: ?!

a entity came out that look like Yuffie.  But she had Lavender colored hair, blue eyes and blue lips. Wears snake earings.  While her outfit is the same as Yuffie's in Advent Children it has different elements to it. She wears long Blue fingerless Gloves and a Metal shoulder pad on her right shoulder with the eye of Apophis symbol on it. her left shoulder had a Samurai Shoulder pad and had no glove on that arm but have several alchemy like tattoos on the arm.  She wears a Skull and Chain like belt. She wears pants similar to Juri Han.  Her torso attire is red instead of black while the shirt's markings are blue.  There are spikes on the jacket and skulls on it as well.  She wears no shoes unlike the real Yuffie but wears Taekwondo foot garments. She wears chains around her neck and has spikes on the back of her jacket and shirt.

Yuffie and Tifa: What the?

Dark Link: The Dark Mirror, just one glance allows a sort of doppleganger of you form out regardless if your evil already or not. but the effects of the mirror in this world are completely different. Usually it would of created a doppleganger that looks like you entirely. but instead it made a entity that resembles you that actually lives in the realms of Shakala.

Elena: Elena Deathheart. I shall be your Doom Tifa Lockhart, in the name of my Emperor!

Heather: Heather Anubis. and in the name of the Emperor and all that is Dark and Evil you shall Die.

Tifa: Yuffie looks like we got to fight.

Yuffie: Yeah, we must be rid of their evil.

Dark Link: Well you two, can take care of them....and if Terrantos call remember to go back to him.

Elena and Heather: Noted.

Dark Link: Time to go to where Kafei is.

With Kafei, Vakat, V-Rex, and Osore.

Kafei swings his Scythe at Link but Link blocks it with his shield

Kafei: Foolish boy do you believe that will work.

Kafei punches Link in the stomach

then he grabbed Link by the face and tossed him at  Zelda and Midna

All 3: Urgh

Vakat was jabbing his Blade at Mario

Vakat: Come Come ON! Show me what you got, LET me show you the power of Lizalfos!

Vakat flew into the air and dashed at Mario but Mario barely dodged only getting scratch on the shoulder

Vakat then jumped around in a circle and striked at Mario

Vakat: Hahahahahahhahahahaaha

Osore aimed its cannon at Pikachu while he was fighting V-Rex

Osore: Got ya now you pipsquek.

fire his cannon at Pikachu sending Pikachu flying into a wall

Pikachu: Pika....Pika....

V-Rex jumped at him with his massive size

Pikachu: PIKA-Pi!!!

Pikachu ran

Dark Link: Enough.

All: ?!

Dark Link held the Dark Mirror

Link: No!

Dark Link Multiplied

and Pikachu, Mario, Zelda, and Midna all looked into the mirror

V-Rex, Vakat, Osore, and Kafei: Muwahahahahahhahahahahahaa

Link charged at the main Dark Link

with Dante and Nero

Dante shot at Sparda who just slashed at each bullet

Nero: take this

grabbed Sparda by the face and slammed him into the ground

Nero: Take that you son of a bitch.

Hazama: Well Now, that's not very nice....I think and went and hurt our feelings slamming a friend like that....Muwahahahhahahahaha....You are nothing but fucking piece of to further ado....DIE DIE DIE DIE!

repeatdedly attacked Nero and used his Ouroboros Nox Nyctores on him

Hazama: You are nothing but trash  you piece of shit.

Jin: out of the way otherwise you will die like the scum that you are!

Dante attacked Jin

Jin: Fool....Yukinansea

ice hit Dante sending him flying

Sekhmet jumped before Dante and palced one her blades in him

Sekhmet: Just die like the trash that you are...

Sparda: Muwahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaa....This is so fucking rich.....So Damm can't even figure it out....

Dante: That voice?

Dante and Nero saw sparda rised up only to see it was Vaati

Both: Vaati!?

Vaati: Muwahahhahahahahahahahaa....the one and are you fools fucking morons.....Hahahhahahahahahaha now its obvious who is the superior being on this planet you do not know true fear! I am Beyond the Cosmos I am the end of you!

Dante grabbed Vaati by the shirt

Dante: Where is Sparda?! Where is my Father?!

Vaati: Heahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahah....what does it matter....He has been framed for heinous crimes of betrayal and Manslaughter against people he was supposed to protect.

Nero: Because of you!  I bet you are the one who killed Trish as well!

Vaati: Hahahahahahahhahaahaa....Oh how I wish I could of been the one to gut that whore like the bitch that she is.....Muwahahahhahahahahahhahaa

Nero: It wasn't you?

Vaati: Nope fraid bad....for you....Go and pick yourself up a nice pair of boots at the local walmart....Hahahahhahahahaa.....Even if you fools do manage to tell your friends that I was posed as Sparda do you think they will believe you? Hell No....they are too consumed with rage and fear to listen to a godamm thing that you fools would say...Sparda is no where to be found....and the only evidence you got is your own words no piece of paper or some godamm recording....and Ragna the Bloodege he is also framed for the Murder of Trish, so he is out on the run....trying to fucking survive....oh how cruel fate can be when a friend frames you.

Dante: a Friend of Ragna's framed him?

Jin: Yes.....Brother! Let us fight to the Death....Muwahahahhahahahahahahahaa

Sekhmet: There he goes again.

Hazama: Idiot....Muwahahahhahahahaah.

Vaati: Oh Yes, someone who led Carl and Miss Makoto to the clutches of Demise, Relius Clover, Tsubaki, and Skull Kid.

Nero: What did you just say asshole?!

Nero grabbed Vaati by the neck

Vaati: Hahahahahhaaha...two of your allies are now being killed or who knows captured by Four of my associates. and it will be a matter of time before it occurs. The one who led them to this trap....Rachel Alucard.

Both: ?!

Vaati: Yes, one who had intentions of good all this actually a cruel and blood-thirsty vampire wife of the Emperor whose been playing spy within your ranks all this time....and has finally decided to aid her husband....yes, by aiding she is helping him......Hahahahahahaa.....Oh Yes but she is not the only wife of his playing Spy.

Dante pointed his blade at Vaati's head after Nero let go

Dante: Who else?!

Vaati: Hahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaa.....Kokonoe Mercury. your so called Head Scientist.

Dante: WHAT?!

Nero: Why tell us this?!

Vaati: Hahahahhaa....why?

Sekhemt: Because you have no evidence and there is no way you will be able to prove it...right boys?

Jin and Hazama: Yes, Our Lady and Love.

Dante aims for Vaati with his Blade but a Hand stops it

Ghirahim: Quite enough....ignorant fool. Abandon your pathetic life and just die like the piece of trash you are. Otherwise I make you bleed from your own screams. Hahahahhahahahahahaa

Ghirahim and Vaati vanish along with Sekhmet, Hazama, Jin

Dante: Damm it.

with Carl and Makoto

Relius had hold of Carl by neck

Carl: Urgh.....

Relius: Hehahahhahahaha....Now lets see what I can do with you....Speciman.

Carl: Bastard.

Demise swinged his sword at Makoto but she blocked it with her tonfas

Makoto: Urghhh....

Demise: this land shall serve as your tomb for a lowly shall die like the ant that you are.

Demise grab Makoto by the face slowly crushing her


Demise: Suffer a thousand deaths....

Makoto punched Demise in the chest but it had no effect on him

Demise: Insolent creature you dare to even think you can defeat the almighty King of Demons, Demise!

tosses Makoto at a cliff

Demise slowly walks towards her and lifts his blade up

Demise: Now you worthless abomination!

Makoto: Urgh....

Tsubaki stop the attacked from Demise's blade

Demise: What is it Lady Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: My Husband, clearly stated she must live....did he not?

Demise: He made it perfectly clear.

Skull kid started casting spells

Relius: Now you shall be another test subject for my experiments....on the you must be made into a Murakumo Unit.

Carl: What?!

Litchi and Crocodile appeared

Litchi: Enough,  take the boy Relius....the rest returned to base....Demise you may stay....we will need to test Makoto's power.

All minus Demise: Understood

Carl: Let go of me you Bastard

Relius: Hahaha

they vanished into a garganta

Crocodile: Now show us Squirrel Beastkin what you are capable of. Hahahahahhahahahahahaa

meanwhile at a location with a village

Rebonakku as well as a Mask Salesman with a Queen Moldarach were attacking

Sato: Hehehehehe.....Fear shall be realized.

All civilians: Run...RUN....RUN AWAY!

we shall resume next chapter with the battle of Makoto vs Crocodile, Litchi, and Demise.   and other battles.
Another chapter and sorry for the delay I had to think for somethings for it. and was wating for a scene to be done by TheNightmareCooper before I could even post this. but its done now so no harm done. Now you all know that the series contains 3 armies: Godstrike (Hero army), Shadowblood (The Main Evil Army), and Codex of Calamity (A Evil Army led by Pandora, with traitors of Shadowblood who are evil). It will be explained more on how Pandora plans on beating Terrantos though even she doesn't stand a whole lot of chances. She is the only one who stands on the same level as him minus a few things. While Terrantos lacks any redeemable qualities she has redeemable qualities.

All Characters and their series belong to their respectful creators
ALL OCS belong to their creators
Terrantos, Elena Deathheart, Osore, Rebonakku, Heather Anubis Belong to me
© 2013 - 2024 LordTerrantos
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TheNightmareCooper's avatar
"Codex of Calamity (A Evil Army led by Pandora, with traitors of Shadowblood who are evil). It will be explained more on how Pandora plans on beating Terrantos though even she doesn't stand a whole lot of chances. She is the only one who stands on the same level as him minus a few things."
I disagree with this statement entirely almost.
The point of this entire scene was to show and point out that Pandora herself is a real and true threat.
And that she isn't just some lame ass secondary villain that gets thrown in together with all the hand me downs. She's a true and legitimate threat.

She's not like the boring and dull Traitor Group (Which was lame and uncoordinated, but I guess it was intentional to make Terrantos look tougher) that got a group of villains and kicked out heroes to serve her against Dark Lord Terrantos and the Angelus, hell no. I'd actually argue and say that she's actually a villain of her own and has developed a large army of her own people to serve her.
Think of this way, there are thousand... perhaps even millions and billions of people out there who don't serve, don't care, and don't give a crap about anything that's going on in the Universe or they don't care about taking sides with any in the Universe.

And I could actually argue the fact that in terms, I'd see that there'd actually a majority of people who wouldn't serve Godstrike or Shadowblood, a huge majority in fact of villains alone I know would never get along with guy. Both powerful and weak.
That's how I can imagine so many powerful characters doing good against the opposing force. She doesn't get a traitor group together, she gets her own powers by herself.

In fact I'd even argue that in a decade or so that it might be Terrantos who'd be in a disadvantage. Because you know how that old saying goes: "The worst of all evils are the ones you never see." Pandora is largely an unknown character that rarely knows exists, she's been planning this for 500 million years in the making and in DC only 2 people actually know that she exists still in the entire Omniverse.
That fact alone already gives her something to be feared about and actually one thing Terrantos does not have. The ability to keep himself from being known.

Regardless, both are extremely dangerous, and I believe the Top 3 leaders of each team are going to all have trouble with this event. The Angelus (Or I guess in your series's case, Shakala) , Terrantos, and Pandora.

Okay regardless of that I do like this chapter majorly.

I'm liking the way you portray V-Rex more and more, he's becoming more legendary in this series as a I feel. In my series he certainly was one of the toughest guys too though, he could take on like 8 powerful characters and still have the balls to call there bluffs, that's pretty admirable in a way.

And I'm glad to see the Dark Version thing finally be taken into effect with Dark Link. The only thing I don't get is... Are they just born from memory or creation... How exactly does there creation work? I mean yeah they're given a name and all that but are they born from an Alternative Dark World in this, are they created through the vision of what the Creator wants them to look like, are they meant to be Dark Reflections of characters inner hatred or what? How does the name come in anyways?

"...but instead it made a entity that resembles you that actually lives in the realms of Shakala."

What does that mean exactly, sorry? Does it mean they're a perfect opposite to the the beings who dwell in the realm of Shakala or what? Are they themselves the absence of the Realm Shakala or both?